Do you know who you are? Do you know your strength? Do you know your weakness? Do you want to really 
pursue your dream?

It is utmost important to know yourself to pursue your dream

Some shocking Facts:

• Every year more than 14000 Students commit suicide in India because of poor result or parental pressure    • More than 60% employees realize at mid 30s that they are at wrong profession   • More than 80% Students are under stress   • Research proves that parents are main reason for stress

What is DMIT

The origin of the word DERMATOGLYPHICS has come from two Greek words, DERMATO, means Skin and GLYPHICS, means curve, so, it is the study of the ridge or impression pattern of the skin which is found on the finger tips.

DMIT (Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test) is a combination of Neurobiology, Embryology and Genetic Science, it is a scientific study of correlation between five lobes of the brain and fingerprints, During pregnancy between 13th to 21st week the brain start developing, simultaneously the finger print also get developed which is in sync with brain development and the type of fingerprint depends on the development of the brain. Development of fingerprint and development of brain is co-related. So, by scientifically analysing the fingerprint one can understand the development of the five lobes and brain cell allocation to each lobes of the brain, below the brain structure defines the different brain lobes and their function and how the five fingers are connected to five lobes.

So, it can be clearly interpreted from the above picture that five fingers in our hand is connected to five lobes of the brain and so, the maximum cell allocation to the specific lobe indicates maximum intelligence to the related function of the lobe, for example, if frontal lobe of a student having most brain cell allocation his index finger will have maximum ridge count, in born intelligence will be in the field of any analytical/calculation/statistical job in the field of Science. All this information can be extracted by DMIT Test.

Functions of different lobes of the brain

Lobewise Left Brain Function :

Behaviour, Personality, Expression, Decision making

Problem Solving, Calculation, Reasoning, Logical Thinking

It mainly applied in Visual Perception, Visual Identification, Interpretation, Observation and Reading

Action Control, Fine Motor Skill, Gross Motor Skill

Language Identification, Audio Identification, Memory and Multi Language Ability

Lobewise Right Brain Function:

Intuition, Goal, Execution, Planning, Self-evaluation

3D Visualisation, Picture Imagination, Idea Formation and Visual Spatial Ability

Visual Perception, Visual Appreciation, 3D Visualization, Aesthetic Sense and Fine Arts

Body Movement and Sense, Gross Motor Skill and Rhythmic Movement

Music Appreciation Ability, Auditory Control, Feelings and Emotion


1684 Dr. Nehemiah Grew (1641-1712) presented Finger Prints, Palms and Soles An Introduction To Dermatoglyphics to Royal Soceity

1685 Dr.Bidloo published an Anatomical Atlas, Anatomia Humani Corporis, with illustrations showing the human figure both in living attitudes and as dissected cadavers

1686 Dr. Marcello Malphigi (1628-1694) noted in his treatise; ridges, spirals and loops in fingerprints

1788 J.C.Mayer was the first to write out basic tenets of fingerprint analysis and theorised that fingerprints were unique

Father of Modern DMIT

Howard Garner

How the world use DMIT

Advanced countries like USA, Russia, Sweden, Canada, China, Singapore, japan etc. using DMIT for years for the following field.

1.Education – Before admission in the school it is must to show the DMIT test report so exact curriculum can be designed for the students.

2.Former USSR was using Dermatoglyphics as one of the methods to select candidates for Olympics Games since 1970‟s. As it turned out, the USSR took home 50 gold medals in 1972 and 125 in 1976.

3.In corporate world it is a growing trend for the management to do the DMIT test at pre-employment stage to screen the candidates to know the positive and negative traits to select the right candidates for increased productivity.

Dr. Harold Cumins

1926, Dr. Harold Cummins coined the word ‘Dermatoglyphics’ – the scientific study of skin ridge patterns found on the palms of human hands. Dr. Cummins achieved world recognition as the “Father of Modern Dermatoglyphics”. The findings of his lifetime studies & the techniques he developed, known as the Cummins Methodology, are accepted as important tools in tracing genetic & evolutionary relationship. This methodology has gained common usage in diagnosis of some types of mental retardation, schizophrenia, etc.
From the anatomical point of view, the human hands dominate all other organs in terms of relative importance. This is why the brain dedicates the majority of approximately two hundred million nerve endings to the hands. In other words, the hands are sources of physiological and psychological information waiting to be tapped, hence the increasing importance in the field of Dermatoglyphics. This is the reason why Dermatoglyphics Analysis is fast gaining recognition to uncover our hidden potentials.


Today, in this jet age of internet; nine out of ten parents think Science and Technology is the only field where a successful career can be made, the result, over crowded field, supply of resource is more than demand, so employability is diminishing at an alarming rate with lower and lower pay package. So, children, irrespective of their intelligence level, inborn talent or other characteristics like leadership qualities etc. are forced by parents to take Science or any other stream which is beyond their intelligence level, the result, tremendous mental pressure, poor result, not successful in career, unhappy parents, unhappy children, failure in career obviously affects all part of life, so, it is now a must for the parents to know the scientific way to measure their children’s intelligence level, inborn talent, IQ, EQ, AQ, CQ, career choice etc. so they can select right stream, Arts, Science or Commerce, which in turn to help right career, this way both parents and children will be happy as there will be no pressure and they will be able to use their natural talent and intelligence to right direction and be successful in life.

How DMIT is helpful in different age group

Infant: One to Four Years

Know your child’s inborn talent
Know your child’s Primary character
Know your child’s secondary character
Know your child’s Brain Dominance
Complementary Programmes:
•Photographic Memory – Power Point Program on Mobile for quick learning of word, object, colour etc.- High Contrast Visual Stimulation Program for babies.
•Baby Sensory Classical Music for Babies – Combines with high contrast moving images for quick sensory development of eyes and ear.
•Visual Stimulation program for infants.
•New born Baby Stimulation Sensory Experience – Silence babies in Seconds, stimulate sensory organs
These programs are designed for faster sensory development of child.

60-80% brain development of a child takes place at this stage, it is very important for parents to know some basic inborn qualities of their child, like learning style, brain dominance, i.e which part of the brain that is stronger, like if the right part of the brain is stronger then your child will be talented towards skill, like music, dance, Sport, Art etc. if left part of the brain is stronger then the child do better in any analytical or educational field, so, educating or train your child in this field will help him to use his natural talent or skill, so, he will be happy to choose his preferred subject and will be able to use his skill to pursue his successful career which he will enjoy, this way both child and parent will be happy and chances to shine in these field will be much more higher than average as he will use his natural talent. So, upbringing will be much more pleasurable for both child and parent, both will enjoy the happy relation which in turn will help to develop the imagination and analytical skill of the child.

Children: Five to Twelve years

•Know your child’s VAK Learning Style
•Know SWOT analysis
•Know Acquiring Method
•Know IQ, EQ, CQ, AQ

Complementary Test and Programs:
•Attention Deficit Syndrome Test
•Eye exercise program for Faster Reading
•Mnemonics – Memory enhancement Technique
•Audio Program for Memory
•Video Program for Concentration

This is the blooming stage for children when rapid all round growth takes place, all the five lobes of the brain, prefrontal lobe, Frontal Lobe, Parietal Lobe, Temporal Lobe and Occipital lobe gets filled with information from the input device like eye and ear which interact constantly with external world which slowly further develop the multiple intelligence, personality, Character, nature, thought process, mannerism etc. During this development stage the parents need to be very careful and caring as any harsh behaviour/punishment/environment will affect the child growth, because at his stage children are extremely sensitive, so, proper communication, stress free environment is utmost needed for proper nurture of the child, with the help of DMIT report, you can analyse the root cause of wrong behaviour of the child and you can chalk out right strategy to rectify your child in playful manner, which will develop a closer child-parent relationship, so you will enjoy tension free parenthood.

Thirteen to Twenty Five Years

Develop Analytical Skill
Develop Communication Skill
Improve Academic Performance
Choose right Professional Course
Complementary Test:
•Career Aptitude test
•IQ Test
•Personality Type Test
•Competency Test
•Spatial Reasoning Test
•Team Role Test
These programs are designed to prepare/introduce the students to know about himself and intelligence/visual/team management ability.

Physical, Mental, Character, IQ, EQ etc. their mental and behavioural attitude changed or influenced rapidly at this stage by the external environment as they start interacting with the outside world. It may be School, different training institutes, Sports Ground, Community Centre etc. and other external factors, it is very natural at this period to unknowingly pick up any negative elements from external environment which will negatively affect your child towards character growth, mental growth and other habits, with the help of DMIT test report once you know the basic traits of your child, managing and moulding will be much easier for you.

Young Adults – 25 years onwards

•Know your leadership quality
•Know Your Behavioural Attitude
•Improve Career Management Skill
•Know how to manage work pressure
Complementary Test:
1.Critical Thinking Test
2.Error checking Test
3.Mechanical reasoning test
4.Verbal reasoning test

These test will further help to strengthen professional skill for any technical job.

This is the life stage where a student completes the education and get prepared to face the world for a suitable career, every moment he or she face many challenges, obstacles, competition, rejection, all these things only make the person stronger, it develops his mental muscle, behaviour, attitude, experience which no school in the world can teach him, if he knows himself properly, strength weakness, personalities, intelligence level, leadership qualities etc. the journey will be much more easy for him and will help him to detect the wrong path and choose the right career for him.
It is very important to know self, information like own personality, nature, leadership quality, physical skill, mental skill, analytical skill, intelligence level, cope-up capabilities in harsh condition etc. will help one to select the right career where he will be able to use his natural talent and will excel in his career, unfortunately in most cases at mid-career one realize that he is not in the correct career track, he is not enjoying his job anymore, unfortunately it’s too late to go back and start a new career, so rest of the life he is to compromise the wrong path of his career, so the DMIT report will act as a lamp post which will show path throughout the unknown journey of his life.


•Assess candidates before employment
•Engage right candidate for right job
•Enhance productivity level of your existing workforce
•Assess existing workforce to know productivity level

Complementary Test:
•Diagrammatic reasoning Test – This test about the understanding of concept and information that is visualized with the diagrams and figures
•Numerical reasoning test – this test involves straightforward calculations that requires data, graphs, diagrams and other visual representations
•Logical reasoning test – test to reason logically
•Inductive reasoning figure series test
Skill sharpen test for existing employees or prospective employees

The success of any corporate depends on its workforce, selection of the right candidate in this context is of utmost important, it’s not only degree or experience, but the information like his inborn personalities, nature, leadership skill, his Adversity, Emotional, Intelligence or creative quotient, cognitive or analytical skill or stress taking capabilities etc are very important factors to select the right candidates for an important position, selecting right candidate by help of DMIT report helps organizations to reduce operating cost and increase productivity.
Recent survey shows by a renowned consultancy firm that in Asia 60% of the work force are not satisfied with their job and 70% are always look for better option, hence the corporates need to shell out heavy amount to retain productive employees, where in European countries this number is much higher.
SWOT analysis of an employee is extremely helpful for HR managers to check the analytical report of the positive and negative traits of an employee to take the right decision to select or reject.
Tools we use to assess the Employee at pre or post-employment Stage: DMIT Test, Career Aptitude Test, Personality Test and IQtest, all test are conducted online.


For pre-married couple,
•DMIT Test for couples finds inborn nature for both the partner
•It analyses compatibility ratio for the partners
•Find out root cause for major differences
•Analyse key points like Brain Dominance, Intelligence level, especially Intrapersonal Interpersonal ratio etc. to prepare compatibility chart, provide necessary guidance.
•For post married couple it finds out the root cause of differences and recommend necessary behavioural changes for a happy married life.

For a successful married life, it is utmost important to have proper compatibility between the partner which is the basis of peaceful life and happy family, but if you choose a wrong partner it may causes irreversible loss in your life, may affect the entire family, may causes bitter relation, separation or even suicide, DMIT test and proper counselling from our expert panel will solve marriage or relationship related problem to build a healthy and long lasting relationship.

Some Amazing Facts About Our Brain:

• A normal person use only 4-5% of his brain, Einstein used 8-10% of his brain, the remaining portion of the brain remain unused.    • How much is the memory capacity of our brain? Well, our brain can store 2.5 million Gigabytes or 25 lacs GBs of memory, equivalent to 17 lacs movies of 1.5 GB volume.


What is Graphology?

It is the method of identifying the developed or acquired personality through handwriting. It is a test of acquired personality test that will let you know the character or behavioural habits or secret of your child that is lying deep in the mind of your child. It also identify the parental relation of your child which is very important know for proper upbringing.

Importance of Graphology Analysis

It is handwriting test through which you can further explore the mental or psychological growth or health of the child, because of growth of online class and smart phone, children are twenty four hours exposed to danger, because of adult or objectionable contents, like porn, crime, violence and other negative events a negative psychological growth may develop in the child’s mind, at the early stage it is very difficult to identify, it’s not noticeable, but as the child grows up, goes to high school or college, gradually it grows with the contact of the other students and keep growing to a level where he or she starts express violently and started disobeying the parents, and the differences keep increases as after going to college or post-graduation, finally when he starts his life and financially become independent the relation starts closing up with the parents, in childhood sometime some negative incident in the family or around the society enters in the child’s mind as a seed, which can be treated or removed by minimal treatment, after doing the Graphology test, advice from counsellor will help to guide properly to remove the negative aspects of the mind of the child, nurture them with proper care and guidance.


Career Aptitude Test: Why at Class IX:

It is a wrong concept to explore career prospect after completing study, at this stage the seed is already sown, the foundation stone already laid down now, he is left with no choice but to pursue his career in whatever field he has done his education, irrespective of his inborn intelligence, whether it suits his intelligence, personality or other attributes like leadership qualities etc.
Best time to do this career aptitude test is class IX, from which the student is to select like Science, Arts or Commerce is etc. So, with DMIT report we analyse the inborn intelligence and by Career Aptitude Test we analyse his psychological/mental development or knack which the student acquired from the environment he has groomed up.
By combining this two reports we recommend right stream selection for your child, so from the beginning you can educate your child to right direction, which saves time, money, energy and thus both child and parent’s goal for a successful career accomplished.
Career Counselling at class IX have the following benefits:
•Right Stream Selection
•Clear career concept at an early age
•In-depth and Accurate Self-assessment
•Acquired knowledge is used successfully for career
•Helps to take right career at early age, ensure super success